Vendor Name: Whitney Raver
Booth/Business Name: Happy Day
What will customers find in your V54 booth space:
Vintage Home & Goods
Clothing & Accessories
Consumable Yummies
What style(s) will customers find in my V54 booth space...hi-lite all that apply:
Vintage Home & Goods
Clothing & Accessories
What styles will customers find in your V54 booth space:
Tru Vintage - any item created or produced 50 yrs prior to purchase.
New Vintage - any item created or produced 20 yrs prior to purchase.
Retro - any item created or produced 10 yrs prior to purchase.
Re-purposed - an original item or material given a new purpose or use.
Hand Crafted/Hand Made - any item created by hand labor.
Original Work - any item that is a result of independent effort.
Market/New, and/or Wholesale Items - items purchased in quantities from a manufacturer.
Describe your V54 booth space in 50 words or less:
Distinctive products for the home...with a bit of whimsy & handmade
How long have you been collecting and selling your wares?
I’ve been collecting for as long as I can remember. I inherited the thrifting bug from my grandfather & passion for design and modern architecture from my mom.
Do you have a private collection and if so, what do you collect?
Knoll, MCM, childrens' art, modern objects and ceramics.
Who is your favorite artist?
Andy Warhol
Do you have a career outside of the V54 world?
Account manager for a commercial office environment - a Haworth furniture dealer.
What do you do for fun?
Explore art museums, I am a member of Design Arts Society...hang out at Newfields whenever possible, photography and thrifting!
And your family…
Amazing sons - Berkeley & Wyatt...juniors in high school...my husband Josh and a sheepadoodle….I adore and love them with all my heart:)