Vendor Name: Katie Conway
Booth/Business Name: Stems Flower Truck
What will customers find in your V54 booth space:
Vintage Home & Goods
Clothing & Accessories
What styles will customers find in your V54 booth space:
Tru Vintage - any item created or produced 50 yrs prior to purchase.
New Vintage - any item created or produced 20 yrs prior to purchase.
Retro - any item created or produced 10 yrs prior to purchase.
Original Work - any item that is a result of independent effort.
Custom Work - any item made to suit a customer request.
Market/New, and/or Wholesale Items - items purchased in quantities from a manufacturer.

Describe your V54 booth space:
My booth space is a bohemian, eclectic space with unique collectibles and vintage items. I’m always on the lookout for pattern, color, texture and excellent design. Items in my booth are one-of-a-kind; no wallflowers allowed here!
Provide a little insight on you personally:
How long have you been collecting and selling your wares?
I’ve always had a knack for finding unique wasn’t until I started collecting vintage clothing a few years ago that I realized I needed to share my finds with others.
Do you have a private collection and if so, what do you collect?
Decorating my home with thrift furniture and decor has been a hobby since my husband and I purchased our first home back in 2013.
Who is your favorite artist?
Kelly Reemsten’s work is amazing. I would love to own an original painting someday. One of my favorite items to thrift is can easily find original & unique works that are already matted and framed!
Do you have a career outside of the V54 world?
I am currently the Owner & Designer of Stems Flower Truck. We offer hand-tied bouquets on the streets of Indianapolis, as well as custom florals for events and parties. Rent the truck for your next event!
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy being outdoors with my husband Clark and our dog, Banner. Decorating, Mexican food & travel are a few of my favorite things!
And your family:
We don’t have any children yet, but Clark and I enjoy traveling with our parents and siblings, as well as visiting our hometown of Evansville, IN.