Did you know that the Easter Egg Hunt came from Germany to the Americas in the 1700s?German immigrants brought their Osterhase, an egg-laying hare for which German children made nests and left them outside in which the hare would lay her eggs. The festivity soon spread across the nation, and baskets replaced nests. Eventually, the game evolved into a treasure hunt, and the prizes expanded from just hard-boiled eggs to include chocolate, candy, toys and coins. In many families, the Easter Bunny leaves a basket filled with gifts, not just eggs to find.

Visit Vintage 54 Collective during regular business hours April 13-16 to search for Golden Easter Eggs hidden by the 12 vendors at the vintage shop. The hidden Golden Eggs will contain vendor items, descriptions of larger items that might not fit the Golden Eggs, or coupons for discounts in vendors booths! Come join the Greatest Easter Egg Hunt at Vintage 54 Collective and check our social media accounts for enticing pictures of the some of the prizes to be found in the Greatest Easter Egg April 13-16, 2022
