What will customers find in Mike & Sheri's V54 booth space:
● Vintage Home & Goods
● Art
● Garden
● Speciality
What styles will customers find in your V54 booth space:
● Antique - any item created or produced more than 100 yrs prior to purchase.
● Tru Vintage - any item created or produced 50 yrs prior to purchase.
● New Vintage - any item created or produced 20 yrs prior to purchase.
● Retro - any item created or produced 10 yrs prior to purchase.
● Re-purposed - an original item or material given a new purpose or use.
● Up-cycled - any item created or produced using ordinary objects to make something extraordinary.
● Hand Crafted/Hand Made - any item created by hand labor.
● Original Work - any item that is a result of independent effort.
● Custom Work - any item made to suit a customer request.
● Market/New, and/or Wholesale Items - items purchased in quantities from a manufacturer.
● Vintage Inspired - any mass produced item that is influenced by vintage design.
Describe your V54 booth space:
You’ll find an eclectic mix of handmade vintage wood pieces, functional objects, original art, unique furnishings and accessories for the home.
How long have you been collecting and selling your wares?
We started CONNER DesignWorks in 2013.
Do you have a private collection and if so, what do you collect?
No, we recently became empty-nesters and downsized. We only kept things around the house that function, have meaning and/or bring us joy.
Who are your favorite artists?
Mike, as he is in his American flag phase, enjoys Jasper Johns.
Sheri Loves the color and simplicity of Matisse.
Do you have careers outside of the V54 world?
Our company name is CONNER DesignWorks. Learn more about what we do at CONNERDesignWorks.com
What do you do for fun?
We love to hang with family and friends, eat, drink and be merry!
And your family…

We have two daughters, Candice and Lydia. Candice is a professional photographer and Lydia will soon be graduating from IU as a recreational therapist.